Beefy Staking

BetU is excited to partner with Beefy Finance to release a $BETU token staking program.

Beefy Finance is a leading yield optimizer that allows users to earn compound interest on their BETU holdings via their Vaults. Beefy Vault contracts are highly secure and audited by Certik. While you have funds staked in a vault, you remain 100% in control of your BETU tokens. Interest earned will be automatically compounded every block until the tokens are withdrawn.

Staking APY

The exact APY will fluctuate constantly as people deposit or withdraw BETU tokens from the vault. Our aim is to have approximately a 2.5% APY.

How to stake BETU tokens with Beefy Vault:‍

1. Visit:

2. Connect Wallet

3. Under the ‘ASSET’ drop down, select ‘BETU’ and click on the BETU vault that appears below.

4. Enter the amount of tokens you wish to stake and click ‘APPROVE’. Confirm the transaction on your wallet eg: Metamask.

5. Select ‘DEPOSIT’ if depositing only a portion of your holdings. Select ‘DEPOSIT ALL’ if depositing all of your holdings. Confirm the transaction on your wallet eg: Metamask.

6. Your tokens will now be shown as Deposited.

How to Withdraw BETU tokens from Beefy Vault

1. Visit:

2. Connect the same wallet that you used to stake/deposit your BETU tokens into the Beefy Vault.

3. Under the ‘ASSET’ drop down, select ‘BETU’ and click on the BETU vault that appears below. 4. Enter the amount of tokens you wish to Withdraw.

5. Select ‘WITHDRAW’’ if withdrawing only a portion of your staked tokens. Select ‘WITHDRAW ALL’ if withdrawing all of your holdings.

6. Your tokens will now be in your wallet balance.

Last updated